We’re really pleased to have been shortlisted for the Brighton and Hove Business Awards for the ‘Greatest Contribution to the Community’ for our work promoting the Living Wage and encouraging businesses to sign up to the Brighton & Hove Living Wage Campaign. The award recognises the role that businesses play in their local communities. We have some tough competition, with Groundwork South and The Girls Network also making the shortlist!
Brighton Chamber is unique in running a business-led Living Wage Campaign. Since the start of the campaign, over 225 businesses have signed up and 2776 wages have been increased as a result. The Living Wage has become a key part of the economic debate in the city and is an integral part of the Brighton & Hove Economic Strategy 2013-18, as well as being acknowledged as an effective way to tackle inequality in the recently published Annual Report of the Director of Public Health in Brighton & Hove.
Initially the campaign was for two years only, but we managed to attract some further funding and support and it is now in its fourth year.
The Brighton and Hove Business Awards are the biggest celebration of business success in the city. The winners will be announced on Friday 4 September at All Saints Church in Hove. You can buy your tickets here.
For more information on the Brighton & Hove Living Wage Campaign, or to sign up, click here.