Meet a Living Wage employer: Acceler8

Welcome to the Living Wage Campaign! Can you tell us a bit about who you are and what you do?
We are Acceler8 and we’re obsessed with making work better. Everywhere. We do that in three ways:
– Learning Programmes and Experiences
– Strategy & Communication
– Partnerships and Collaborations
From learning and engagement strategy through to training programme design and delivery, we have been the supercharge behind some of the most playful and effective workplace initiatives across the globe and in more sectors than you can shake a stick at!

Being human, or ‘peopley people’, is important to how you run your business. How does this fit with your commitment to the Living Wage?
We can’t lead the way in better workplaces if we don’t champion policies and practices that back up everything we say. We believe that fair pay, that supports living our lives comfortably, is the right thing to do and ensures our colleagues can achieve that.

Looking back at last year, what were you proud of from 2024?
In 2024 we adopted a 4 day working week, based on 80% hours for 100% pay – again delivering a working environment that works for colleagues and clients – we’ve never been more productive and we’ve never had so much time off!

What’s your business focusing on moving into 2025?
We’re more focused than ever on making work better. We’ve revisited our offering and put a clear strategy in place to attract those ‘magnet clients’ that want to achieve the same things that we do. We’re focused on growth and establishing ourselves in the key global markets of Australia and South Africa.

Do you have any advice for anyone who wants to start paying the Living Wage, but isn’t sure how to go about doing it in their business?
If you can invest in your people, you will be repaid tenfold. It’s no longer a nice to have. The minimum wage hasn’t kept up and employers have an obligation to support their people to live their lives without fear of where the next meal is coming from. If you can’t afford living wage, then you can’t afford your people!


A big thank you to David from Acceler8 for sharing these insights – and, of course, for being a Living Wage employer!

Can you help us reach 1000 Living Wage employers in Brighton & Hove?

Find out more about the Brighton & Hove Living Wage Campaign here. If you think you’re already a Living Wage employer, or would like to sign up, head over to this page to get started (it’s free!)