Sign-up to show your commitment to paying a living wage

The form below will take you less than a minute to complete, and will confirm your commitment to paying a Living Wage. Once you’ve filled it out, we’ll send you an email to confirm your email address – you’ll need to activate your account before we can confirm your sign up.

If you have any questions, get in touch on 01273 719097 or email [email protected].

  • Staff are paid a minimum of the current Living Wage for Brighton & Hove. We'll tell you if things change and we can no longer do this. We will look at ways to ensure our sub-contracted staff are also paid a minimum of the current Brighton & Hove Living Wage.
  • Number of staff adjusted to the living wage because of this campaign
  • We need to stay in contact with you about the Living Wage campaign, and when you sign up we’ll be in touch from time to time with updates and information (such as the Living Wage rate increase).
  • Before clicking submit, please read and acknowledge that you have understood the following terms, conditions and disclaimer:

    By agreeing to this Pledge: I confirm that I have the authority to commit the aforementioned business to the Brighton & Hove Living Wage Campaign and by signing this declaration the business agrees to commit itself to the Brighton & Hove Living Wage Campaign (as detailed above) and notify Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce in the event of any changes to its circumstances which would mean that the business could not achieve the commitment. I agree: To contact the Brighton & Hove Chamber and relinquish use of the Brighton & Hove Living Wage Logo and/or any reference to the Business committing to the Brighton & Hove Living Wage Campaign (whether in its literature and/or on its website or any other materials in any form) if the commitment in this Declaration changes and the Business can no longer commit to this. Declaration: To ensure our business is committed to reviewing this current rate of £12.60/hour as a minimum salary and will raise this in line with any revised rates notified to the Business by the Brighton & Hove Living Wage Commission within the time they allocate. Disclaimer: Brighton & Hove Chamber of Commerce does not monitor the Business’ commitment to the Brighton & Hove Living Wage Campaign and by signing this Declaration, you are self-certifying your commitment to the Campaign. The Chamber of Commerce may contact you to see how things are going and for feedback on any impacts to your business or staff. However, The Chamber of Commerce is not responsible in any way for the Business’ compliance with the Brighton & Hove Living Wage Campaign and shall not be liable in respect of any losses, claims, damages or any other liabilities that the Business or its employees, agents or other third parties may suffer as a result of the Business commitment to the Brighton & Hove Living Wage Campaign and/or as a consequence of signing this Declaration.